Get Better Cash Flow With a 1031 Exchange

If you want to increase your monthly cash flow, it’s time to take advantage
of the 1031 Tax Exchange.

Did you know you can get up to 20% more monthly cash flow without spending a penny?
It’s true, and it’s as simple as implementing the 1031 Tax Exchange.

You’ve probably heard of the 1031 Tax Exchange in the past, but now’s the time to truly take to
heart what this strategy can do for you.

Through the 1031 Delayed Tax Exchange, you have 45 days after closing escrow to secure a
replacement property. You’ll also need to close escrow on the replacement property within 180 days
after closing on your home sale.

1031 Tax Exchanges allow you to avoid Capital Gains Tax upon the sale of your property assuming
you meet certain requirements. If you don’t pursue this strategy, there are three tax-related
concerns you’ll need to consider:

1. The State Tax. Depending on how much you make from your home sale, the amount you owe in
State property taxes may increase if you don’t use a 1031 Tax Exchange. To learn more about
what your taxes would look like without a 1031 Exchange, check out this calculator.

2. The Capital Gains Tax. When your sale is subjected to Capital Gains Tax, this means you could
lose a significant percentage of what you earn from your sale.
To learn more, check out this Capital Gains calculator.

3. The depreciation recapture rate. This is the federal tax rate that will be levied on the year that you file the tax return on a property sale without a 1031 exchange. The depreciation recapture amount is based on the cumulative depreciation that you have taken each year that you have owned the property and the rate is at 25%  on the total depreciation that you have expended on your tax returns.  For residential income property including apartment buildings over 5 units, the depreciation is taken over 27.5 years on the improvement value, not on the land.  For commercial properties such as retail, office, and industrial buildings, the depreciation is taken over 39 years. Check out this step-by-step guide to learn how to calculate a recapture rate for a given property.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send
me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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