How to Prepare For Proposition 10 Rent-Control Changes

In our latest message, I’ll be discussing the potential changes of Proposition 10 and why you should consider increasing rent.

With votes being cast next month, Proposition 10 could potentially change the way rent control works
in Southern California. As the balloting comes closer, I’m being asked more and more about what
should be done in preparation for these changes.

The simplest solution? Raise rent periodically to reflect economic and market trends.

Employees receive wage increases for cost of living and inflation, and utility companies
increase price based on growing infrastructure costs. It’s no different in real estate—costs rise
over time.

Let me provide some examples:

The median price for a West Covina home in 2014 was $435,000 with an average price per square
foot of $278. In September 2018, the median price had risen to $568,000 with an average price per
square foot of $361.

To get a return of 5%, account for 6.5% to cover your costs of tax, insurance, and maintenance. In
2014, rent was around $1.50 per square foot per month, and for 2018 it’s up to $1.95 per square foot
per month.

In a recent survey, the median rent for a 3-bedroom house is $2,325 with a square footage of 1,400
square feet (about $1.65 per square foot per month). You can see the price increase from $1.50 in
2014 to $1.65 now.

If you’re a new buyer and are wishing you were at the $1.95 point, don’t worry! Over the past 35
years, home value has seen a roughly 6% appreciation. For the average owner who puts down 20%
on a new home, that appreciation of 6% amplified over 5 years is a substantial 30% return. On top of
this, a $60 monthly rental increase becomes $720 annually, adding even more value to your

If you’re looking for guidance in raising your rental prices, have questions, or need information,
contact me by email or phone and I’ll be more than happy to help. I look forward to hearing from you.

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